
We are so thankful for the tremendous response and interest in volunteering at this year's TogetherFest.

All of our volunteer roles have been filled for 2022.

Our team looks forward to serving the public so everyone has a wonderful experience and celebration!


We need you! In order to run an event of this size, we count on the time, effort and support of close to 100 volunteers - thank you for considering giving back to your community in this way! Many positions are available for both experienced and new volunteers. There are opportunities all day, starting at 9 am through to 11 pm. Shifts range from 2 hours to all day; most shifts are four hours in length. If you have more time, you can continue in the same role or switch to something else. High school students can earn community hours toward graduation. We especially need mature volunteers to fill certain roles.


To express our appreciation for the time, energy and enthusiasm you offer in giving back to the community, the Volunteer Team will provide the following to each volunteer:

  • a T-shirt
  • a lanyard and badge, for additional ID as volunteer staff
  • a water bottle
  • a catered dinner in our volunteer tent
  • complimentary water, iced tea and snacks throughout the day
  • timely breaks, for those working extended shifts
  • training
  • a direct supervisor to provide assistance and guidance

The volunteer program is graciously sponsored by Ward 10 City Councillor Sue McFadden.

Volunteer Supervisors

New this year: we are seeking five (5) volunteers with supervisory experience to fill leadership roles to each manage a team of about 15-20 volunteers in these specific areas:

  • Set Up
  • Hospitality
  • Program Aides
  • Grounds Crew
  • Security

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please fill out the form on this page, click yes to the question on "Volunteer Supervisor" and further information and a more detailed application form will be sent to you.

Volunteers Needed for TogetherFest:

MORNING SET UP: We are looking for volunteers to help out for at least 2 hours on the morning of Friday, July 1, before the festival starts. Shifts run from 9 to 11 am and 11 to 2 pm.

Roles to fill during this time include some heavy lifting, putting up signage, vendor hospitality.

DURING THE EVENT: We are looking for volunteers to help out for 4 to 8 hours during the festival on Friday, July 1. Shifts begin at 1 p.m. and go until 11 p.m.

Here we need your help with hospitality (greeters, information guides), security, attendants for various program activities, parking attendants, groundskeepers, and more.

Click here for description of volunteer roles.

PARENTAL CONSENT FORM for volunteers under 18 years old.

Next Day Clean-up: We are also looking for about 20 people to assist with cleaning up the park for 1-2 hours the following morning from 10 am to noon. Refreshments will be available for those who help out!  Your help is so appreciated!


To express your interest in volunteering, fill out the form on this page.

Please Note: The form has been removed as we have filled all the volunteer roles for the 2022 festival.

If you have questions about this volunteering opportunity, please contact Sabina, our volunteer coordinator.




Thank you to our many generous sponsors who have contributed greatly to this festival and giving back to the community.




The deadline to book a booth space at this year's festival is May 20.  Send an e-mail to info@canadadaytogether.ca if you are interested in participating.